Black Vinyl Record

EP057. datalog viewer | platform datalog setup


keywords: datalog viewer | platform datalog setup

1. 怎麼手動測試機台,並留下datalog?

答:Diagnose trace.  Diagnose\Platform Diag Trace Window,如圖

2. 怎麼設定要確認的sensor / indicator ?

答:Go to the Diagnose\Platform Diag Setup window.

3. 練習,以設定Backside He pressure 為例,如下圖

  1. Set up a diagnostic trace specification with the following variables: − HeBacksideFlow_AI

    − HeBacksidePressure_AI
    − ChamberManometerAdjustedPressure
    − ProcessManometerAdjustedPressure
    註:AI 是什麼意思:(analog input, 類比訊號輸入,UI 接收到的訊號)
Platform diag setup window
Platform diag setup window
Platform datalog trace window
Platform datalog trace window
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